Other VHF/UHF/Microwave wiki pages: 13 centimeters, 9 centimeters, 6 centimeters, 3 centimeters 1.25 centimeters and Bands above 24GHz.
2 meters is probably the most heavily-used amateur band in the United States. Most newly-licensed Technician-class operators get their start in amateur radio on 2 meter FM.
Equipment for operation on two meters is plentiful; many well-known manufacturers produce new base, mobile and hand-held transceivers intended specifically for the 2-meter ham radio band. In some cases, additional bands (most often 70 centimeters but occasionally also additional VHF bands) will be supported.
Much of the early equipment deployed by radio amateurs on 2 meter FM was surplus, built originally for commercial land-mobile use on bands elsewhere in the 130-174MHz spectrum and converted to the 144-148MHz amateur band. Users of adjacent spectrum range from marine radiotelephone and public safety to dispatch radios used by taxis and service vehicles.
As commercial two-way radio frequencies became more crowded, the spacing between channels was reduced, leading to many existing radios becoming available as surplus.
The oldest of this equipment was crystal-controlled and provided use of a limited number of FM voice frequencies; modern equipment is frequency-synthesized and often also capable of receiving out-of-band services such as weather and marine radio.
Commercial land-mobile base station equipment has also been adapted readily to construct repeaters, although factory-built repeaters designed specifically for amateur use are now commercially available. This ready availability of a wide selection of equipment at a reasonable cost has made 2 meters the most commonly-used amateur band for mobile voice communication.
The most common application of 2-meter radio is in FM voice transmission, either operated directly between stations or via automated repeaters. Individual FM channels are normally spaced at 15kHz or 20kHz intervals. Repeater inputs below 147MHz are typically set 600kHz below the output frequency; above 147MHz this pattern is reversed.
The 2-meter band is a popular choice for digital packet transmission, with 144.39MHz (North America) and 144.8MHz (Europe) commonly used for APRS operation.
Signals in this band travel primarily line-of-sight or slightly further. It is not uncommon for a powerful, well-situated repeater to be accessible to mobile stations up to fifty miles distant. During unusual atmospheric conditions (such as temperature inversion) the VHF signals’ range may be significantly but temporarily increased.
With 2m propagation you left out tropo ducting worked Hawaii from Cameron park, CA in the early 90’s by accident. That’s a long way on 50W and a 5 element beam.
Why is it called 2 meter band and 70 cm band? What does the measurement signify? I can’t find this info anywhere.
That’s the free-space wavelength. It’s how far one wave (one complete cycle) travels at the speed of light until the next one starts. It’s useful in constructing antennas that work on that frequency.
It refers to the wavelength of the given frequency, measured in meters.
It’s the approximate wavelength.
I’ve been away from ham radio for I think, 20 years, but I’ve always renewed my license. Back when I WAS on (with my now almost antique Yaesu FT 2600 M mobile) the repeater guidebook was awash with 2-meter repeaters. I just got a 2023 repeater guide and it looks like almost everyone has migrated to 440 MHz. I finally got my radio reprogrammed with some existing repeaters and I hear NOTHING. Am I going to have to get a new radio just to say “hi”?
It’s great to hear that you’ve maintained your ham radio license over the years! The shift to 440 MHz for repeaters is indeed a notable change in the ham radio landscape. While many repeaters have transitioned to UHF frequencies, there are still active 2-meter repeaters out there.
Your Yaesu FT 2600 M, while considered vintage, should still be capable of accessing 2-meter repeaters. It’s possible that there may be local factors affecting reception, such as repeater locations or coverage areas.
Before considering a new radio, I recommend checking repeater directories or reaching out to local ham radio clubs and operators for advice on the best repeaters in your area. They may have insights on active 2-meter repeaters that you can use to reconnect with the ham radio community.