Software allows the production and detection of signals used for transferring SSTV pictures. Most SSTV software allows for both sending and receiving SSTV signals, with the ability to auto-detect which mode is being received. A Ham Radio/PC interface is required.
Software for Digital SSTV
Digital SSTV software is based on Digital Radio Mondiale (DRM) which is an open standard system for transmitting digital signals.
- DIGTRX requires hamdrm.dll to operate correctly.
- Digipal from Erik VK4AES.
- Easypal from Erik VK4AES.
- HamPal from Erik VK4AES. Look here for reviews of this software.
- SSTV-PAL from Erik VK4AES.
Software for Linux
- QSSTV for Linux users. This is a relatively new program. The source code is available under the GNU license.
Software for Mac
- Macrobot from Sergei Ludanov KD6CJI
- Multimode from Black Cat Systems.
Software for Windows/DOS
- ChromaPix. Version 1.6 available. A review of this software can be found here
- JVComm. Development seems to have stalled on this program, but it is available from the link.
- GSH-PC (SawScan) SSTV converter by DL4SAW. Version 2.3 available
- MMSSTV for windows computers. A versatile and easy to use program. It can handle all the common modes, but users have access to a number of lesser-used modes such as MP73-N which is allowing amateurs to use SSTV on the 30m band where previously it was restricted by band definitions.
- MScan SSTV. MScan Meteo also available from this website.
SSTV over internet
Interface by Martin Emerson G3OQD is available in version 1.8a. The interface uses Echolink as its transmission engine.